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Democracy(民主) or democrazy(疯狂示威)?

发表于 13-5-2013 03:43 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Democracy or democrazy?                                                                       
Monday, 13 May 2013 09:43am                               
©The Star (Used by permission)
Comment By Roger Tan

Democracy is about accepting finality through the ballot box and due process of law.

IN the 2000 United States presidential election, despite Al Gore having won the popular vote, he did not get to become President.

He received 266 votes and George W. Bush obtained 271 at the Electoral College due mainly to the vote recount fiasco in the state of Florida. The matter went all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 in favour of Bush. This was by far one of the most divisive and controversial US presidential elections, so much so that Bush was described as the President elected by the US Supreme Court.

Even though Gore strongly disagreed with the apex court’s decision, he was nevertheless gracious in defeat. Indeed, it took a big man like him to admit defeat. I remembered his concession speech almost moved me to tears.

Gore said: “Almost a century and a half ago, senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, ‘Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I’m with you, Mr President, and God bless you.’ Well, in that same spirit, I say to president-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancour must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country. Now the US supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome ... And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I know that many of my supporters are disappointed. I am too. But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.”

This is what democracy is all about – accepting finality through the ballot box and due process of law.

Alas, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim refused to do so. He has vowed to move on with a “fierce movement” by holding protest rallies throughout Malaysia to challenge the 13th general election results. This is not democracy. If I may coin a new word for the Oxford’s English dictionary, it is democrazy!

If we want to indulge in an orgy of rhetorics that Barisan Nasional won by massive fraud, then I say Pakatan must have won by massive lies spread over the social media such as that:

> 40,000 foreigners were flown in from east Malaysia to vote in the peninsula;

> a bomb planted by Barisan supporters had exploded at the Johor Baru immigration terminal in order to frighten Malaysians working in Singapore from coming home to vote;

> new ballot boxes were added or exchanged when there was a blackout in Bentong in order to enable Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai to win.

In fact, all sorts of unfounded allegations and rumours were mendaciously spewed with impunity by anonymous Facebook pages like “We Fully Support PKR” to cause anger and hatred among the electorate.

It is really shocking to see how so many Malaysians actually believed in unverified rumours by even sharing them on social media. Many were also thinking irrationally in their arguments over the social media. A small number of them were sadly converted to vigilantes by taking the law into their hands.

No wonder one recent study claimed that Facebook could actual ly send you mad by causing “psychotic episodes and delusions”! This explains why China has banned social media like Facebook and Twitter; otherwise it would have disintegrated long ago!

One case that requires special mention is that of Chua Lai Fatt who was harassed by cyberbullies. He is of Indian descent but many people did not know that as an orphan he was adopted by a Chinese family. He actually speaks fluent Hokkien. A copy of his MyKad with his picture and Chinese name was posted and circulated on Facebook. It was really distressful to read all those abuses thrown at him until his family and friends came forward to explain.

But nothing can be as distasteful as the picture of a mock altar with candles and joss sticks placed before Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s photograph. Also, no error could have been bigger than Anwar’s when he tweeted as early as 6.57pm on May 5 that Pakatan had won when votes in a majority of areas were still being counted!

Is this what we call clean and fair elections?

Bersih and its leaders should also take the blame by fuelling unverified rumours of tens of thousands of foreign voters. While I cherish my friendship with Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, I must still say, personal friendship aside, that this time round Bersih has lost its credibility as a neutral and independent election watchdog. There is no doubt that it has done a marvellous job in raising public awareness about the importance of fair and clean elections. In fact, the high turnout during the election could be attributed to this greater public awareness. But during the campaigning period, it looked as if Bersih’s cause was no longer about fair and clean elections but rather in ensuring victory for Pakatan.

It follows that if many still believe Barisan had won due to massive fraud, then it can also be argued in the reverse that Barisan could not have lost so badly if there had been tens of thousands of phantom voters and massive fraud.

We must move on. The country needs to move on. We have had enough of all the politicking from the 12th to the 13th general elections. If we want to continue in this way until the 14th general election, it is only the rakyat who will suffer.

If there is any evidence of wrongdoing, then they should produce it in the election court. A fortiori, the accusers owe it to Malaysians to provide such evidence in a court of law so that election results can be overturned or fresh elections can be called. But not through street protests any more. In fact, a total of 26 election petitions were filed after the 2008 elections, but none was overturned.

It is sad to see that in this most divisive election in our nation’s history, many so-called independent and apolitical NGOs and religious bodies openly took sides. Some were even prepared to burn all the bridges with the Barisan government which they had taken pains to build over the years.

But this is the time for national reconciliation. Each one of us plays a part in bringing healing to our divided land. Najib has said he is the Prime Minister for all Malaysians. So, there should be no witch-hunting. Neither should any voter or community be punished for making their decision through the democratic process.

The new government must immediately address the issues which matter most to Malaysians, which are corruption and social injustice.

At the same time, victors and losers must move on for the sake of national unity and reconciliation. Let us uphold democracy and not embrace democrazy. God bless our beloved Malaysia.

> The writer is a senior lawyer.


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发表于 13-5-2013 03:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
你看那个Al Gore 会不会这样了事?可能更激烈的都来


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 楼主| 发表于 13-5-2013 03:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
sprig 发表于 13-5-2013 03:50 PM
你看那个Al Gore 会不会这样了事?可能更激烈的都 ...


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发表于 13-5-2013 04:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
nillwong 发表于 13-5-2013 03:56 PM

入禀选举法庭? 请问法官谁委任?
你认为你会提名一个公正的法官还是一个u help me, i help u 的法官?

谁叫大家都不认同那个“非法”政党的胜利。 大家认同的是华哥为首相。

但现在搞到三权统一,警察/军队和政党和法律都是同样的abang adik



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 楼主| 发表于 13-5-2013 04:18 PM | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 13-5-2013 04:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
nillwong 发表于 13-5-2013 04:18 PM

如果你是在法律界工作,大家的共识是,马来西亚的司法体系 ...

前上诉庭法官诺阿都拉(Mohd Noor Abdullah)今日警告,随着华裔在大选中背叛马来人,华裔必须准备好面对马来社会的“报仇”。


Mohd Nor was the judge who had found then Kota Melaka MP Lim Guan Eng and present Penang chief minister guilty
under the PPPA over a leaflet linking then Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik with an underaged girl in 1999.


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Follow Us
发表于 13-5-2013 04:32 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 13-5-2013 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

林甘经典名句“it looks like me and sounds like me,but not me"

这些是被暴出来的冰山一角, 我们不懂,毕竟媒体被管制。

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发表于 13-5-2013 05:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
好端端的 跑来放铁钉?


参与人数 1人气 +2 收起 理由
sprig + 2 你破坏我的娱乐!



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发表于 13-5-2013 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 13-5-2013 08:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
美国人讲成熟民主的绩效制, 马来西亚讲不理性的两线恶斗制, 当民联引进台湾招数时, 马来西亚未来的政治只会越来越不成熟。

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发表于 13-5-2013 09:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
malaysian2012 发表于 13-5-2013 08:56 PM
美国人讲成熟民主的绩效制, 马来西亚讲不理性的两线恶斗制, 当民联引进台湾招数时, 马来西亚未来的政治只 ...


国阵的绩效制是什么? 为什么在大选时不好好和人民说。。。
那些派钱的,条件式的u help me, i help u就不要说了。。。

本帖最后由 sprig 于 13-5-2013 09:26 PM 编辑


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发表于 14-5-2013 12:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
nillwong 发表于 13-5-2013 03:56 PM

对于民联红卫兵, 安华讲的话, 就是证据, 这些红卫兵是没有理性的, 你跟他们讲证据, 他们跟你讲他们“相信”。

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发表于 14-5-2013 12:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
sprig 发表于 13-5-2013 09:01 PM

国阵的绩效制是什么? 为什么在大选时不好好和人民说。。。

安华讲做票, 你就信咩, 你那么单纯的, 如果做票, 一早就嬴回雪州与槟州啦, 用脑思考一下。

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发表于 14-5-2013 12:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 14-5-2013 12:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
malaysian2012 发表于 14-5-2013 12:32 AM
对于民联红卫兵, 安华讲的话, 就是证据, 这些红卫兵是没有理性的, 你跟他们讲证据, 他们跟你讲他们“ ...


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发表于 14-5-2013 12:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
malaysian2012 发表于 14-5-2013 12:34 AM
安华讲做票, 你就信咩, 你那么单纯的, 如果做票, 一早就嬴回雪州与槟州啦, 用脑思考一下。


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发表于 14-5-2013 12:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
malaysian2012 发表于 14-5-2013 12:34 AM
安华讲做票, 你就信咩, 你那么单纯的, 如果做票, 一早就嬴回雪州与槟州啦, 用脑思考一下。


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发表于 14-5-2013 12:44 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 14-5-2013 12:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
malaysian2012 发表于 14-5-2013 12:34 AM
安华讲做票, 你就信咩, 你那么单纯的, 如果做票, 一早就嬴回雪州与槟州啦, 用脑思考一下。

用脑思考一下啦! 沒有做票,民聯執政了

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