


楼主: mydownloader

请大家小心一个自称Bank Rakyat打来的电话!!!

发表于 6-8-2010 09:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
通常出现private number的电话我是不接的。

使用道具 举报


发表于 6-8-2010 09:52 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-8-2010 10:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
magnumao 发表于 6-8-2010 09:52 AM

鸟你! 那天CALL去北京樓你敢敢不接!

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-8-2010 10:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
前几天接到一通自称是card centre打来的电话,听口音一个是印度女孩子,说什么要送我discount card,还说和16家银行合作之类的,问我用什么信用卡,我直接告诉她卡全部cancel了。现在没有用任何卡。她就马上挂了。通过电话的这些通常我都不理,听太多骗局了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-8-2010 11:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 19# j08

原来好戏在后头~~我就很奇怪了,为什么银行的人那么好会给我bank negara的号码叫我快快去报案,那个才是真正下手的时候!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-8-2010 11:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  j08

原来好戏在后头~~我就很奇怪了,为什么银行的人那么好会 ...
靖瑜 发表于 6-8-2010 11:36 AM


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Follow Us
发表于 6-8-2010 11:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
j08 发表于 6-8-2010 11:37 AM


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发表于 6-8-2010 12:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 27# 靖瑜


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发表于 6-8-2010 12:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  靖瑜

恐惧魔王 发表于 6-8-2010 12:05 PM


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发表于 6-8-2010 12:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
我怕很多人都没来这里看再提醒一次嘛....真是好心没好报~~~你被骗了不要在我面前哭~~~  :s ...
靖瑜 发表于 6-8-2010 12:27 PM


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发表于 6-8-2010 04:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
九陽 发表于 6-8-2010 12:32 PM


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发表于 6-8-2010 04:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
靖瑜 发表于 6-8-2010 04:50 PM


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发表于 6-8-2010 05:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
九陽 发表于 6-8-2010 04:51 PM


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发表于 6-8-2010 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 21# 欧阳欢


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发表于 7-8-2010 12:00 AM | 显示全部楼层


Phone Scam- Bank Rakyat.
Phone Scam have been so long in this market, Not just in malaysia.
It have been so popular around the world...

Must aware of this..

This morning i have receive a call from so call "Bank Rakyat"

The chinese guy canll me up. This guy can provide me with all my detail, like

1) my full name,
2) IC no,
3) Add,
4) my other phone no.
With all the detail..... I stop, cos it too scary...
Then the guy say i come the their bank and asking for increase in card limit.

Suddenly i nervous and almost going to tell my other detail...
But since i in Banking line before, so i know a bit of bank prosedure and how bank work.

so i just stop my conversation with him.

And i just tell him i don't have any transaction with this bank.

After that he keep asking am i the name he call, my IC correct?

Later i just say he call up wrong person..

The he just hang up his call.. seem like very rude..

Later i try call back, the phone is always busy.. (where got bank customer phone no always busy???)

So i call up Bank Rakyat..

I found out that recently got alot of this Phone Scam using Bank Rakyat name to call up customer.

According to Bank Rakyat, They alr make police report about this..

So beware of this..

If the phone no is : 03-21698888, Please don't tell anything to him.

If they got call u up, u can check with the bank customer service on your status..

Beware of this no 03-21698888.



BEWARE!! Bank Rakyat Credit Card SCAM!!
August 3rd, 2010
I just got back from lunch when I received this phone call. This guy (forgot what his name d) calling from Bank Rakyat, speaking Mandarin, looking for me by using my full name. I felt a bit suspicious d, cos Bank Rakyat not malay bank? Why speak mandarin one? Anyway, just listen to what he wants to tell me lar..

So he asked me did I call to Bank Rakyat to increase my master gold card credit limit. Then I said NO, cos I don’t even have Bank Rakyat’s credit card. Then he gave me my FULL NAME and IC No., asked me to confirm whether these information is correct or not. He got my name and IC correct, then he further gave me the billing address, which is in Sibu. Then I said address is incorrect. So he said he suspected fraud and asked me to hold on while he blocked my card (can hear typing sound some more, and background got a lot of malay talking.. hehehe….)

He told me my credit limit is RM 10K, and now already owed RM 9300, which I swiped it in casino in Sentosa, Singapore in June. So I kept saying No and No and finally he said it’s better for me to lodge a report to Bank Negara to play safe. And these are the information he gave me, asked me to write it down so that I can use it to report to Bank Negara.

Received call from this number : 03-21698888 (forgot the caller’s name)
Credit Card : Bank Rakyat Master Gold Card (credit limit : RM 10K)
Credit Card No : 5892 6720 9108 3033
Card Applied : 12 April 2010
Card Issued : 04 May 2010
Billing Address : 4A Lorong Salian, 18B 96000 Sibu Sarawak.
Bank Negara Phone no given by them : 03-27826813

Before he put down the phone, again he emphasized, asked me to lodge a report to Bank Negara. So I said ok and ended our conversation. Although I did suspect something is wrong, but still I think it’s better for me to really call to Bank Negara to double confirm. Of cos, I will not use the no given by them! I googled the no from the Internet and found Bank Negara’s no, which of cos is a totally different no lar. Then before I called, I googled the billing address too, and guess what? I found a blog post by googling the billing address!! Apparently this blog owner, Big Cow also received the phone call from them and decided to post in on the blog to share with ppl. Good job!! Here’s the link to the blog post, Bank Rakyat Credit Card Scam.

So after reading the blog post, I knew that I don’t even need to call to the real Bank Negara to confirm d lar… These ppl also very lazy lar, want to con ppl, used a different set of information lar.. billing address, bank, credit limit, all used back the same one, simply google also can find lar.. right?

So if you ever received such phone call, do not panicked. Just remember not to give out any of your information, and write down whatever they provided to you. Do not call back by using the phone no given by them, with the Internet, you can easily find any phone no you want, so google yourself!!

BEWARE!! con ppl are everywhere!! hehe..



Bank Rakyat Credit Card Scam
Whoa! i just received a scam call from a fake Bank Rakyat personnel. And i've decided to blog it out so that you ppl will not fall victim to such stupid scam =.="

The number i received the scam call from is 03-21698888 - "Ms Lim"

What happened was, this Ms Lim called to tell me that they have received a call from me this morning requesting for an increase in credit limits. And that it is not possible to increase since i still owe them RM8350.00 which apparently i've swiped it in Sentosa, Singapore on May 3rd 2010. And unless i clear up the debt, they are unable to increase my credit limit.

1st of all, i've never had any dealings with Bank Rakyat before. 2nd, it's not possible for me to own any credit card since i'm with AKPK program. 3rd, her Sarawak accent is too strong.

So i told her the 1st 2 points. And she continue to verify my information like my ic number and my full name. then i told her it's not possible (feeling panicky already la, i mean, harlow, damn 9 mah fan wei if i really kena credit card fraud - but at the same time, i was wondering how come Bank Rakyat so stupid didnt check CCRIS before approving for the credit card??). Then she told me the credit card information:

Registered address: 4A Lorong Salian 18B, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak (which i just googled, no such address)
Credit card number: 5892 6720 9108 60xx (Master Goldcard with RM10000.00 credit limit)

Then she asked me to call some fraud department in Bank Negara to report and ask them for advise. The number to call was 03-27826813.

Which i did. And the warning bell started to ring louder in my head coz the person who answered the phone has a very strong Sarawakian accent as well (what are the chances that i speak to 2 Sarawakian in KL within 10mins??). So this guy, Mr. Sam is pretty stupid. Really. Coz he sounded like he dont know what's AKPK when AKPK is a branch of Bank Negara and he asked for my full name and phone number instead of my i/c number. He claimed that he needs to check and call me back. Warning bells already ringging like mad in my head. Coz Bank Negara do not check their system using Full Name, they check using our I/C number and this fella didnt even ask me for my I/C!!!

Feeling somewhat suspicious, i googled for Bank Negara's number and called up. And yes, it is confirmed, the calls above is a scam. They are just unlucky to call me coz they were not able to scam me coz i am already with AKPK. According to the real Bank Negara personnel, they have received numerous calls for this Bank Rakyat scam.

What they were trying to do were, if we were really guillible and ignorant and fall into their trap, the victim will reveal their PIN and other banking information to them and they will then withdraw the money out of their account.

So please dont be panic like a stupid fool (like me) when you receive such calls ya?

And yea, Bank Rakyat is aware of such scam. Here's their memo



我太太刚接到诈骗集团的电话, 是女人的声音, 骗她是否有申请upgrade bank rakyat credit card, 电话号码是 03-21698888 (这号码是联络不到的), 他们还拥有我们个人的电话号码,身份证号码, 他们还会给你一个bank negara 的电话号码 03-27727272,这号码会有人接听,假装是bank negara)......大家小心,不要被骗


使用道具 举报

发表于 7-8-2010 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层


22号(星期二)公司委派我去Batu Pahat,Johor公干(给予讲座)。
中午时刻大约一点钟我抵达了槟城国际机场准备飞赴JB时,突然我接到一宗电话,对方(男的)表明是Bank Rakyat的职员 Mr Fimon Ong打来的(电话是03-21698888 ex.125)说我的信用卡(Master Card号码:5892 6720 9108 8017)10/05/2010在Sentosa, Singapore索了$7,550.00,问说是否是我索的?我说:没有啊!今年我没去新加坡啊!
那对方说:那这可能是您的资料被人盗用了哦!该张MasterCard是于05/04/2010发出,寄至:Lot 117,Jalan Sultan,98000 Miri,Sarawak.的。
对方说:这样啊!哪您的资料的确是被非法集团盗窃了或是银行把您的资料卖给了非法集团了!为了安全起见,我建议您向马来西亚国家银行投诉好!……Mr Teoh,那您有马来西亚国家银行的投诉单位的电话吗?
对方:Bank Negara的特别投诉单位电话是:03-2782 6822,那您要赶快拨电去投诉哦!如果调查结果显示您是清白的话,三天后Bank Negara将会寄一份报告给我们以抵消您的一切账单!
过后,我就拨这个号码(03-2782 6822)投诉去了……电话拨通了,电话播音器就播出了马来录音指示:Ini adalah Bank Negara Malaysia.....Bahasa Malaysia,Sila tekan '1',English,please press '2',华语,请按“3”……
对方说:Mr. Teoh刚才您说要投诉吗?那好,等下当您听到“tuo"的声音后,您就把想做出的投诉(Report)内容详细的一五一十的说出来,我会把您的谈话内容录下来,然后交由”Bank Negara的机密特别专案调查小组“去展开调查。三天后,他们将会把调查结果通知您!如果调查结果显示您的资料的确被盗窃的话,那他们也会把报告寄予Bank Rakyat证明您的清白——抵消您的账单!不过,在这里我必须先提醒您:有关调查是‘非常机密的’!您不可向任何人或向外泄露任何线索,以免影响调查工作的进行!万一被发现您泄露了出去,那您将被罚款高达RM30,000.00或坐牢!您明白吗?
对方就对我说:Mr Teoh,您的Report No.是 P28125,请您用笔把它写下来以方便您往后做参考(Rujukan)。再过半个钟头左右,有关特别专案小组官员将会联络您做进一步的了解!
过后大约10分钟左右,有位女子表明她的身份说她是Miss Yap ,来自Bank Negara 的专案小组官员(电话是:03-2782 6822 ex.2017)接获了我的投诉(Report),现在正在开 File展开调查了,并严厉警告我不可向任何人泄露我跟她之间的谈话,万一泄露出去,我将被罚款RM30,000.00及坐牢,并问我:明白吗?
抵达JB后,22号那天,Miss Yap没跟我联络!(一切都平静)
23号下午三点左右,Miss Yap终于拨电给我叫我赶快去附近的ATM,我说我正在冲凉啊!她说:不行,你必须赶快去!我只能给予你半个钟头的时间而已,不然我们无法帮得到你了!
听后,心情非常紧张与焦虑,只好吩咐我的朋友(天顺)载我到附近的Maybank ATM去!抵达后,Miss Yap就联络了我叫我把我的ATM卡插进,然后跟着她的指示说要把我剩余的钱转去一个由国家银行委托的信托机构保管(IBK Fund),以免我的钱被盗窃!


03-21698888 is scam
skrg kan tgh heboh psl 1 scam yg gunakan no tepon sebijik cam no tepon bank2 yg de kat Msia ni. derg akn menyamar, and tanye psl no saving acc or cdt card. bile kt dh confirmkn sme data tu…then die letak, pastu bl kt check acc kt, det dh lesap. bile kt wat report ke bank, bank kate, mmg de pengeluaran, tp bank x leh wat pape r. sbb tu sme risiko customer tu sdri.

time aku dgr bite ni kat radio, aku wat bodo je. sbb aku yakin, aku xkn tertipu, berdasarkan knowledge & pengalaman aku sdri. spi r 1 ari (2/8/10 @ 304pm), aku de dpt miskol drpd 1 no. no tu is 03-21698888. aku mmg rs tu no bank or no TM. tp aku x sure. then aku try r call back, tp x dpt. xde bunyi ringing etc sme tu.

pas2 aku try r google no 2, nk tau, no tu dr bank mn. then drpd hasil google yg aku dpt tu…no tu is scam no. ni link yg aku bley bg:

so, klu korg rs korg xde deal pape dgn bank, then org bank call, so ignore je r.



使用道具 举报


发表于 26-8-2010 10:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
这次比较pro~ 他用英文和我交谈。
可是他没问到我什么资料,也没给我假bank negaru的电话。
当时我在国外~ 收讯非常差。。。可能这样他放弃了。
只叫我到bank rakyat去check.
害我一心一意要冲回来Malaysia check...
然后去了bank rakyat check了,也证实是一场骗局。

后来,我女友的同事的老公在bank rakyat做工,
他说bank rakyat是没有华人做工的:@!!!

所以,大家如果在听到有华人从Bank Rakyat打电话来,


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-8-2010 12:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
这次比较pro~ 他用英文和我交谈。
可是他没问到我什么资料,也没给我假bank negaru的电话。
khooman 发表于 26-8-2010 10:02 PM


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发表于 27-8-2010 06:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 38# 小Q2006


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发表于 27-8-2010 07:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
要聞 地方 柔佛  2010-08-05 19:28

周鳳鳳(右) ...
j08 发表于 6-8-2010 09:24 AM


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