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发表于 27-2-2018 10:40 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Those who truly love you will always do so even when you aren't so lovable.
天才的禮物 (Gifted), 2017

What matters most in life isn't where you are going, but who's walking by your side.
歌喉讚2 (Pitch Perfect 2), 2015

Don't blame destiny if you can't be together; opportunities don't mean anything unless you seize them.
真愛繹url=home.php?mod=space&uid=1690519]@圈圈[/url] (Love, Rosie), 2014

The nature of your energy depends on your mood; if you don't want negative energy, stay positive.
怪獸電力公司 (Monsters Inc.), 2001

5. 面對贏不了的挑戰你有兩個選擇:要不就投降,要不就讓自己變得更強。
You only have two choices when facing a challenge you can't win: surrender, or make yourself stronger.
功夫 (Kung Fu Hustle), 2004

6. 一味地要求對方變好叫做壓力;察覺與肯定他的改變,才叫做關心。
Caring isn't about asking one to change; it's about noticing and acknowledging one's change.
春嬌救志明 (Love off the Cuff), 2017

7. 內心平靜的第一步,就是不讓別人控制你的情緒。
The first step towards inner peace is learning how not to let others control your emotions.
腦筋急轉彎 (Inside Out), 2015

8. 很多時候,禁不起考驗的不是愛,是人。
Love itself can withstand many tests, but oftentimes people can't.
六弄咖啡館 (At Café 6), 2016
9. 戴面具並不可怕,可怕的是因為習慣了,忘了自己還戴著它。
If you wear a mask for too long, you may forget you're still wearing one.
摩登大聖 (The Mask), 1994

10. 自己夢想的人生,總是藏在自己不想做的改變裡。
The life you've always dreamed of having is hiding behind the changes you don't want to make.
白日夢冒險王 (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty), 2013

11. 生命重要的不是它有多長,而是那些過程中你得到與留下的感動。
What matters the most in life is never how long you can live, but how much love you receive and leave behind.
與神同行 (Along with the Gods), 2017

12. 很多時候一個人需要的不是同情,而是理解與尊重。
Often times what people need isn't sympathy, but understanding and respect.
動物方城市 (Zootopia), 2016

13. 真正的友情不只經得起爭執,還會在和好以後更加珍惜彼此。
Not only can true friendships withstand fights, they become even stronger when you reconcile.
新娘大作戰 (Bride Wars), 2009

14. 你得意時出現的不見得是朋友,你失意時選擇留下的才是。
Those who show up when you succeed are not necessarily your friends; those who stay behind when you fail are.
食神 (God of Cookery), 1996

15. 每一次挑戰,都是一個讓自己變得更堅強的機會。
Every challenge is an opportunity for you to become stronger.
穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil Wears Prada), 2006

16. 或許對這世界來說我們並不特別,但在彼此心中卻獨一無二。
We may not be special to this world, but we are unique in the eyes of each other.
小王子 (The Little Prince), 2015

17. 人生沒有不能回頭的路,有時你只是忘了還可以轉身。
There are no dead ends in life, sometimes you just forget you can turn around.
模犯生 (Bad Genius), 2017

18. 真正的高手,是不會讓你看出他身懷絕技的。
True masters won't let you know what skills they possess.
功夫 (Kung Fu Hustle), 2004

19. 感謝人生中的每個相遇,珍惜一起走的每段時光。
Be grateful for every encounter in life; cherish every moment you spend together.
神隱少女 (Spirited Away), 2001

20. 你自己是誰,不需要由任何人來定義。
You don’t need anyone to define who you are.
變人 (Bicentennial Man), 1999
Source : 那些電影教我的事 IG https://www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/?hl=en


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发表于 27-2-2018 11:30 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
9. 戴面具並不可怕,可怕的是因為習慣了,忘了自己還戴著它。
If you wear a mask for too long, you may forget you're still wearing one.
摩登大聖 (The Mask), 1994

15. 每一次挑戰,都是一個讓自己變得更堅強的機會。
Every challenge is an opportunity for you to become stronger.
穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil Wears Prada), 2006

17. 人生沒有不能回頭的路,有時你只是忘了還可以轉身。
There are no dead ends in life, sometimes you just forget you can turn around.
模犯生 (Bad Genius), 2017

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发表于 28-2-2018 01:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 28-2-2018 05:01 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Those who truly love you will always do so even when you aren't so lovable.
天才的禮物 (Gifted), 2017


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