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发表于 19-12-2011 03:40 PM | 显示全部楼层


2012 年最受瞩目的新星。。另一个Adele effect。

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发表于 19-12-2011 04:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
wayne1004 发表于 18-12-2011 08:19 PM


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发表于 19-12-2011 08:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
adamlevine 发表于 19-12-2011 04:25 PM


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发表于 20-12-2011 01:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 darrylchan 于 20-12-2011 01:12 AM 编辑

请问下各位仁兄,谁知道1.30秒那首If i die young 的是那一个remix版本,感觉~~~

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发表于 20-12-2011 09:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
Katy Perry团队将会推出The One That Got Away Remix版本Feat B.o.B.
bryanliau91 发表于 16-12-2011 09:33 PM


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发表于 21-12-2011 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
The Top 10 Most Viewed YouTube Videos Of 2011


01. Rebecca Black - Friday, Official Video
02. Ultimate Dog Tease
03. The Lonely Island ft. Michael Bolton – Jack Sparrow
04. Talking Twin Babies
05. Nyan Cat
06. Chris Brown ft. Busta Rhymes & Lil Wayne - Look At Me Now
07. The Lonely Island - The Creep ft. Nicki Minaj & John Waters
08. Maria Aragon - Born This Way (Cover) by Lady Gaga
09. The Force: Volkswagen Commercial
10. Cat Mom Hugs Baby Kitten

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发表于 21-12-2011 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层


年僅11歲、來自美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯、去年以一曲Whip My Hair登上美國告示牌單曲榜第11名以及英國金榜亞軍的影歌雙棲巨星“威爾史密斯Willow Smith”的女兒兼節奏藍調女歌手Willow Smith~繼承了老爸優秀的基因~Jay-Z將其召入自創音樂品牌Roc Nation旗下並表示要將小妮子打造成為下一個“蕾哈娜”~

Willow Smith即將於明年4月3日發行個人首張錄音室專輯Knees & Elbows~新專輯第3波主打單曲Fireball找來南岸嘻哈女力新聲Nicki Minaj跨刀助陣~在Hype Williams指導的音樂錄影帶裡Willow在街上展現青春活潑的嘻哈律動~

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发表于 21-12-2011 10:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z ... watch?v=ZJZeBYIZHYo[/url]

現年23歲、來自美國喬治亞州第開特、去年聯手洛杉磯超級流行唱作新聲“火星人布魯諾”以一曲節奏藍調貫穿嘻哈律動的真情告白曲Nothin' On You稱霸美國告示牌單曲榜與英國金榜而一戰成名的亞特蘭大嘻哈希望新星“巴比瑞”~從小就將信手拈來的說唱藝術發揮到淋漓盡致~於地下獨立嘻哈界打滾多年~終於被南岸嘻哈巨星T.I.簽入其自創音樂品牌Grand Hustle旗下~去年4月27日發行的個人首張錄音室專輯“嘻哈冒險旅程”目前已經累積逾56萬8千張的全美專輯銷量~

日前巴比瑞在釋出最新音樂錄影帶Strange Clouds的同時~對於他將與恩師兼南岸嘻哈巨星T.I.推出合輯的謠言作出回應:「事實上這張合作專輯起源於一個笑話,我一直視T.I.為“the Martian”,在他的歌詞當中曾說:『It’s the man and the Martian』,我們覺得這可以成為一個專輯名稱,我們只想玩玩看,但似乎要以一種非常具有結構的形式。」12月1日B.o.B出現在New York City's Hot 97 radio station並證實他和T.I.的確在進行一張合輯~名為The Man & The Martian~

最近從這張合輯當中流出的第一首歌曲Never Lost~由J.R. Rotem擔綱製作~取樣自英國另類搖滾天團“酷玩”的2008年作品Lost!原曲收錄在他們的專輯Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends~

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发表于 21-12-2011 10:05 AM | 显示全部楼层


現年27歲、出生印第安納州而成長於聖地牙哥、2009年美國偶像第8季超人氣亞軍、2009年首張專輯“頭條娛樂For Your Entertainment”至今已經締創全球120萬張專輯銷量以及420萬張單曲銷量的流行搖滾男歌手“亞當藍伯特Adam Lambert”~堅持搖滾的個性唱將~充滿爆發力的嗓音與戲劇性的舞台演出~加上華麗的視覺系裝扮~以天生藝人的強烈特質~成為美國偶像史上最受關注也最受爭議的參賽者~

藍伯特預計於明年3月20日發行個人第2張錄音室專輯Trespass...ing~由Claude Kelly創作、Dr. Luke聯手Cirkut擔綱製作的專輯首波主打單曲Better Than I Know Myself於12月20日發行~緊密串聯OneRepublic主唱Ryan Tedder風格的鼓聲以及閃亮澄澈的鋼琴旋律~成就一首傑出的流行佳作~像是將藍伯特定位在男版凱蒂佩芮以及Gay版布魯諾之間~歌詞上藍伯特展現比先前電台流行抒情作品更真實的愛情面~反省自己身為壞男友的瑕疵~同時宣告自己堅貞無悔的真情~濃烈而真誠~

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发表于 21-12-2011 10:08 AM | 显示全部楼层



今年10月7日RCA Music Group宣布艾莉西亞已經離開J Records~以後將會透過RCA Records發表未來的新作~12月16日網路上出現一首新歌Love Hard~有人認為是由Timbaland擔綱製作的作品~直擊靈魂的韻律節拍下~艾莉西亞展現毫不煽情且收放自若的完美嗓音~

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发表于 21-12-2011 02:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
小鸟的贴每一个都是 “现年。。。。”开头

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发表于 21-12-2011 04:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6351# 稀人特

不是我寫的啦。。。我也是copy n paste過來的。。。

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发表于 21-12-2011 08:07 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 21-12-2011 08:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
The Top 10 Most Viewed YouTube Videos Of 2011

01. Rebecca Black - Friday, Official Video
小鸟的鸟 发表于 21-12-2011 09:57 AM

竟然没有 On The Floor?

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发表于 22-12-2011 07:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
接受不到we found love 排69...
lovemath 发表于 19-12-2011 11:48 AM

年终排名是计算december 2010到november2011
所以we found love吃亏咯

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发表于 22-12-2011 07:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
Scotty McCreery
Taylor Swift经典表情

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发表于 22-12-2011 08:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
The most weeks atop the Hot 100 in 2011:

8 weeks: "We Found Love," Rihanna featuring Calvin Harris
7, "Rolling in the Deep," Adele
6, "Born This Way," Lady Gaga
6, "Party Rock Anthem," LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
5, "E.T.," Katy Perry featuring Kanye West
5, "Someone Like You," Adele

本周we found love继续蝉联
sexy and I know it 连续7个星期no.2
平了bad romance的记录

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发表于 22-12-2011 09:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-12-2011 12:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6353# wayne1004


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发表于 22-12-2011 05:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

1. Britney Spears, "How I Roll"

布蘭妮加上瑞典鬼才製作超害羞前衛組,再加上2004年的〈Toxic /中你的毒〉、2007年的〈Picec Of Me /破碎的我〉都是他們的作品,這三部曲完全就是女聲極限。歌曲魔力都藏在每個細節裡,布蘭妮呢喃地唱著speakerrrr、數位化的拍手聲、假的人聲 beatbox,交織出整首歌的張力。最重要的一點:一位窈窕淑女孤寂的空坐在室,幻想著遠方派對的娛歡,希望能逃離現實躲到音樂及精力充沛的人群中;露出她的膝上襪,喝著特吉拉調酒。但這古老世界不會讓她逍遙,所以她對著機器唱歌直到她與其合一,因為只有節拍能懂她。這是個她與音樂的故事。

2. Big Sean featuring Nicki Minaj, "Dance (A$$) (Remix)"

The Nicki showcase of the year, in a brilliantly titled avant-moron booty-clap bass throwback where the Hammer-time keyboard hook seems to beam in from another planet. Nicki is extremely informative about her ass-related needs, from "Google my ass" to "Kiss my ass and my anus, because it's finally famous." What she does with the word "Wakiki" (rhymes with "squeaky," "geeky" and "dashiki") is like a one-word tutorial on what it means to be awesome.

3. Beyoncé, "Countdown"
One of the billions of things I love about Beyoncé: The harder she tries to come on crazy, the less crazy she sounds. She might be the most aggressively sane pop diva ever, even when she's boofing her boof boof. And I love how her ticking clock-of-the-heart countdown tweaks Jay-Z's long-ago playa boast, "Do It Again." Remember that one? "5 a.m. now we at my house / 6 a.m. I be diggin' her out / 6:15 I be kickin' her out." That song must be a big Beyoncé fave. But those were different times, and this is definitely B's countdown.

4. EMA, "California"
South Dakota guitar girl migrates to the West Coast, hates it, and vents her misery into a gloriously excessive tantrum with the opening words, "f*ck California, you made me boring," swiping one-liners from Bo Diddley and Blazing Saddles. California might be "so f*cked it's 5150," but so is she, which is why they were made for each other.

5. Bon Iver, "Beth/Rest"
Never thought I'd see a time when Kajagoogoo reigned as the most influential band in indie rock, but for some reason, this was the year sensitive kids everywhere decided to go balls to the wall for Limahl. As a fan who has White Feathers on vinyl, I'll be crushed when this fad passes. Bon Iver's Justin Vernon took the Eighties synth fetish farther than anyone – he cuts his Kaj with Christopher Cross chord changes, a keyboard intro from late REO Speedwagon, and filtered vocals evoking Toto in their "wild dogs cry out in the night" phase. I love this song so much, I spent months wondering if I actually hated it. But I can't fight this feelin' anymore, and I've forgotten what I started fightin' for.

6. Jay-Z and Kanye West featuring Frank Ocean, "No Church In The Wild"
A year ago, what were the odds that 2011 would see a hip-hop craze for the prog-rock guitar stylings of Phil Manzanera, the Roxy Music beardo? The odds were . . . well, math isn't my thing so I'll just estimate those were some tiny odds. With Hov and Yeezy getting deep into arcane theology, this track is just another high.

7. Pistol Annies, "Hell on Heels"
All you need to say about the state of rock radio: As soon as you hear a crazed rock & roll drummer go boom, you know you're listening to the country station. Between the levee-busting drumrolls, the "Gold Dust Woman" guitars and the gold-digger lyrics, these reverse cowgirls – Miranda Lambert, Ashley Monroe and Angaleena Presley – make everyone else on the airwaves sound limp.

8. Rebecca Black, "Friday"
Imagine a "Star Wars" where Princess Leia doesn't waste her 40-second video time capsule praying to Obi-Wan Kenobi, or any other dude. Instead, she says, "Is this thing on? Hey ho, let's go!"

9. Nicki Minaj, "Super Bass"
Nicki spends 3:19 talking an American guy (she's into those! lucky us!) into her car, which is 3 minutes and 18 seconds longer than she would ever need, but she just likes to hear herself talk, and so do the rest of us. At first I missed the Slick Rick joke – when Nicki says, "You're like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye," I thought she meant Bushwick Bill. But Nicki's so brazen, she would try to pick up dudes by comparing them to Bushwick Bill. And in her case, it would probably work. The way she savors the line "I can tell that you're in touch with your feminine side" is like an 11-word tutorial on what it means to be pelican fly.

10. Stevie Nicks, "Annabel Lee"
The gypsy queen comes back to tell the world who the eff she is, with a lyric by one of her hot dead rock & roll boyfriends, Edgar Allen Poe.

11. Rihanna, "We Found Love"
"We found love in a hopeless place" is a great disco hook, especially since places don't get much hopelesser than Rihanna's larynx. This is the first Rihanna hit that sounds like it was written specifically for her to sing, which might be why it's her best by a mile. While her other hits tried to camouflage her spindly voice, here it just strains for that spindly melody. A bigger voice would spoil it, just as you probably will at the karaoke joint.

12. Destroyer, "Kaputt"
Canadian madman Dan Bejar's songbook is already an impressive one, but he outdoes himself with this suaved-out Eighties trip, as if he and Howard Jones got a thing going on. Yet what sets Destroyer apart from the other boho faux-HoJos is (for lack of a better word) soul. Which in this case just means the music tries to make you feel something and succeeds. Excellent video, too.

13. Azealia Banks, "212"
Ya crew run run run, ya crew run run.

14. Kurt Vile, "Runner Ups"
"If it ain't workin', take a whizz on the world" – now there's a philosophy of life.

15. Adele, "Rolling in the Deep"
The "Hey Ya" of 2011, and just as it was easy to overlook the melancholy in "Hey Ya," it's easy to miss the joyful ebullience of "Rolling in the Deep." But nobody writes a song like this unless they just love the f*ck out of making music.

16. Radiohead, "Separator"
So that first half of King of Limbs didn't turn out to be much of a grower, now did it? But the flawless second half has this love-as-hallucination ballad, as Thom Yorke keeps wailing, "Wake me up."

17. Neon Indian, "Fallout"
Synth-pop romance, with a little O.M.D. and a whole lot of Comsat Angels. And no sax solo, which in 2011 was some kind of breakthrough.

18. Thurston Moore, "Mina Loy"
A feminist-fanboy ode to one of New York's greatest poets, from one of New York's greatest guitarists, going acoustic for a few minutes of spooked ecstatic-peace beauty. (And if it piques your curiosity, check out the Dalkey Press' new anthology, Stories and Essays of Mina Loy.)

19. The Horrors, "Still Life"
English art-twit rockers doing what English art-twit rockers were born to do, which means absurdly pretentious odes to attractively messed-up girls. When England runs out of these, it may have to start shopping around for another planet.

20. Xeno and Oaklander, "Sets and Lights"
A Brooklyn boy-girl duo, a basement full of vintage synths, and a rush of gloomwave mirror moves. It captures that chill that hits you at 2 a.m. when you suddenly notice everyone at the party has glowing replicant eyeballs. Rihanna could do worse than cover this.

21. Paul Simon, "Rewrite"
It's the whistling solo that nails it. Just like the one in "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard," except here's the wiseass kid from that song 40 years later – bitter, defeated by life, working at the car wash, wishing he'd given Rosie another chance. If it's any consolation, radical priests and Newsweek aren't doing so hot these days either.

22. Avril Lavigne, "What the Hell"
Anybody who thinks Lana Del Rey is art and this isn't has some explaining to do.

23. Yuck, "Get Away"
"Hey 19, that's Dinosaur Jr. / She don't remember the Third Eye Blind / Hard times befallen the grunge survivors / She thinks I'm crazy, whatever, nevermind."

24. Nicki Minaj, "Girlfriend"
This goes back to her Barbie World mixtape from nearly two years ago, so it's stretching if not just plain dumb to count it as a 2011 song, but it is the song I played the most this year. It's about friends, and why they're good to have, and why it's a smart move to treat your friends like total f*cking rock stars, topics people are usually too chickenshit to write any songs about, let alone good ones. I can't imagine how giving this song three minutes would make your life any worse.

25. Lady Gaga, "Edge of Glory"
Gaga demonstrates she knows what it means to steal, to cheat, to lie, while Clarence Clemons proves it all night. R.I.P., Big Man.

源:http://www.rollingstone.com/cult ... gs-of-2011-20111221

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