


楼主: j08

【喜庆爆竹送玉兔 吉祥梅花迎金龙 】春到柔壇喜洋洋,歡迎写下新年賀词

 楼主| 发表于 4-1-2012 04:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

1960、1972、1984 、1996、2008

运 势


财 运




感 情



     女性黄色有利,可佩带玉石 、水晶的饰物。男性红、绿色有利,可佩带木制 、长形的饰物。

事 业




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发表于 4-1-2012 08:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-1-2012 08:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2012 08:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
新年快乐~                     .

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发表于 17-1-2012 09:19 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2012 10:46 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2012 10:54 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2012 11:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
sekbaomei 发表于 17-1-2012 10:54 AM


用google translate

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发表于 17-1-2012 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2012 03:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2012 03:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
用google translate
j08 发表于 17-1-2012 11:38 AM

    我已经是豆盖眼料在google translate的话就要金鱼眼料, 要酱紫来对我咩?har??????

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发表于 17-1-2012 03:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
yeemean 发表于 17-1-2012 02:58 PM


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发表于 17-1-2012 03:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

(posted by mobile)
天堂使徒 发表于 17-1-2012 03:38 PM

    好久没见到你料, 啊天哥你几时候便到酱紫客气料哦??

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发表于 17-1-2012 04:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2012 04:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
我已经是豆盖眼料在google translate的话就要金鱼眼料, 要酱紫来对我咩?har??????
sekbaomei 发表于 17-1-2012 03:56 PM

   你是不是鸡?如果是我帮你translate lor...

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发表于 17-1-2012 04:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
你是不是鸡?如果是我帮你translate lor...
j08 发表于 17-1-2012 04:17 PM

我不是鸡咧 我是很会偷吃的老鼠噢。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2012 04:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 j08 于 17-1-2012 04:28 PM 编辑
我不是鸡咧 我是很会偷吃的老鼠噢。。。。
sekbaomei 发表于 17-1-2012 04:21 PM

Rat 2012 Year of the Dragon fortune

Rat 2012 Year of the Dragon fortune (1960,1972,1984,1996,2008 was born)

Wealth: Lunar New Year of the Rat coincide with the Tai Sui this year, friends, work and career are elegant aid, natural good fortune, but even from the operators concerned to have the opportunity to make money, but also should pay attention to careful planning, good financial management to anti-money to money to go.

Cause: the Lunar New Year of the Rat's friends although career development and stability, but also pay attention to interpersonal harmony, can not properly handle personnel changes, for career development will inevitably result in resistance. This year to come, can win the next level.

Feelings: the Lunar New Year of the Rat is not romantic encounters this year, Wang's friends, although there are to come, good karma, irresistible charm, but it depends on both their vision and fate. Men and women in love can be considered marriage, to guard against third party interference, to each other a little more care and communication, feelings will be impregnable.

Health: the Lunar New Year of the Rat's friends shipped this year, general health, more easily wounded, drove out the friends should pay attention to road safety, to comply with traffic rules. Like those involved in high-risk sports, this year's event can be avoided. Attention to diet, eat less heat food, especially fried.

Master Tip: Lunar New Year of the Rat Year of the Dragon every friend was more fortunate of its various aspects are good, failing to turn bad to have more blessing, good luck the like. Fleeting abundance of financial resources, should seize the opportunity and steady development, when can have a good harvest. Work may increase between the summer solstice official Jin Jue, or any major development changes. Although the cause of resistance, should strengthen confidence and steady development, not rashly radical. End end of the year when anti-Guangui villain, big deal Moguan, non-small ask, to protect against hurt. After the party is dangerous Ji, failing to calm, calm disposition of blessing. Leisure might go pro friends, many friends, burn incense and pray for more compassion in the good its doing things.

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发表于 17-1-2012 04:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2012 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
Rat 2012 Year of the Dragon fortune

Rat 2012 Year of the Dragon fortune (1960,1972,1984,1 ...
j08 发表于 17-1-2012 04:26 PM

Rat fortune

1960,1972,1984, 1996,2008

Transport potential

  Rat people Chenzai coincide with the Tai Sui this year, this year to come, everything desirable, cause there is Ji Xinggui people help, business was flourishing, whether in politics, business or family wage is concerned, have a good development, as long as the opportunity be harvested. But this year made [the Beatles], [White Tiger] wicked and wild, fear of white matter.

Choi Yun

   If their hard work this year, may have their own financial benefit, promotion, status of the upgrade just around the corner, civil and military tilapia, avoid lazy good Yi, then everything is abandoned, since many obstacles. But this year made [sickle] wicked and wild fly, will likely be a non-mouth, and other non-official cross-bad disaster and bankruptcy matters.

Method of increasing wealth

    In the office or room to put a green or red items.


   Strong year for the peach peach years. Have yet to find loved men and women can watch this year around the opposite sex, take the initiative to be missed. For married men and women have to guard against extra-marital peach, so as not to quarrel, impact on family well-being, to be more communication, tolerance, and prevent the color off financial calamity. Rat people in the West this year, peach bits, can be placed in the pot, to urge Wang peach.

Transported by way of love

     Female yellow beneficial to wear jade, crystal ornaments. Male red, green benefit, can be worn wooden, long-shaped ornaments.

Do business

     Rat people this year [to sing] asylum, cause there will be a big improvement in transport, as long as you do something seriously, take the opportunity, bold but cautious, will succeed, and can get the pay and provide the leadership post, whether civilian or military staff, career development are considerable, both in power the opportunity to print the Division.

1996 Rat years: this year's fortune was flat, although the restricted Jupiter, mental pressure, but as long as stop, school or to a higher level, and the other girls made this year's peach, not puppy love, so as not to affect the academic .
In 1984, six decades: the cause of this year's work and wealth are living benefit, to properly grasp the fortune, plenty of money.
In 1972 Prince: coincide with the Tai Sui this year, the overall good fortune, career, wealth was the momentum of development, can increase investment and entrepreneurship. But this year committed more than rob money, businessmen easily acquainted villain, tired by their large losses incurred.
Boxer in 1960: there are elegant aid, the overall good fortune, career, wealth, work has developed, but this year committed wicked and wild, where the matter carefully, keeping in mind health, to work and rest, should pay attention to the bladder, reproductive organs , ears, back and other problems, it tends to lead to insomnia due to excessive pressure.
2008 Lunar New Year: the overall fortune is not ideal; in particular, to pay attention to health, emotional and volatile, be careful diet and rest, especially to pay attention to the protection of the head.
January: the cause of two proud wealth, grand plans for this month's Stagecoach active star of the month, travel, visit relatives and friends, cooperation, entrepreneurship will be a windfall.
February: wealth is not ideal, the fiscal side also difficult to income, investment, development must be careful. Guilty of criminal damage and months, sometimes inadvertently get into right and wrong, pay attention to prevent bad people around, to prevent being taken.
March: good fortune, is a good time to meet with good fortune increase, work capability, so smooth, it should be welcome as long as careful management, harvest, career, have a good performance, fame and fortune. But found guilty of flying sickle [], the effect is not everything, evil things against a horizontal disaster, be careful you can.
April: Yun Cheng Dajia, work, career success, wealth prosperity, plant investment, trade, seeking official, school and so is the opportunity to be active efforts to seize the opportunity, there must be income.
May: fortune more repeated, there is movement or walk, not restless, seeking money to go out this month, travel, visit relatives and friends is a good opportunity to move in the way of making money, there are moving the money Henry, but not impulsive, who keep law-abiding issues have, be careful.
June: poor fortune, on order of sheep and offspring with no harm, but also on the five elements of mutual restraint, this month to watch the villain, always pay attention, work, career development is difficult, wealth is negative.
July: everything has elegant aid, wealth prosperity of business, invest and build factories, business and so is a good opportunity to grasp the opportunity to expand business, but also facilitate mobility, travel, travel, and so on.
August: fortune strong, work more smoothly, Choi-hi, dual income, work, career development are considerable, and very busy this month peach, but also the rat who married the best of the month, interpersonal skills, attractive, married person is required to prevent extra-marital peach, peach carefully into scandal.
September: Month value was broken, mixed fortune was variable, difficult, pressure, moving anti-auspicious, wealth is poor, more unexpected expenses, not conducive to investment business. However, strong side wealth, should invest in securities, finance, futures and other risk category of investment, financial benefit rich.
October: the five elements are suspected of war together, there is not really elegant, the overall bias is still good fortune, career smoothly, fortunes, joint venture etc good working career has developed, in short, all aspects of a more auspicious smoothly.
November: there are elegant (the star), is conducive to promotion, fame, etc., is very beneficial to the cause of the work carried out pre-planned things this month to gain something, but to get down to do their work, Avoid rolling stone, bearing in mind the tongue, to avoid quarrels with others. Considerable wealth, to invest expansion, entrepreneurship, business etc can be beneficial to have.
December: prosperous fortune, have honored to help, for seeking official, the official office-seeking, work, career with further development, because this month by the ugly cow principal, but for the g Zaichou although combined together, in the financial there will be more spending, while the mental and physical strength will have a certain amount of pay.

Rat people:
Residential fierce side: take the South (Kenneth Hill, not mountain) to the north.
Residential Ji Fang: ride north to the south, take the East to the West, take the West to the East.
Fang Ji desk:
Born in six decades: the God of Wealth sitting southeast side.
Rat Born: Wealth seat due west side.
Lunar stranger: the God of Wealth sitting north side.
Boxer stranger: the God of Wealth sitting east side.
Prince Born: God of Wealth sitting southeast side.

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2012 04:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
Rat fortune

1960,1972,1984, 1996,2008

Transport potential

  Rat people Chenzai coinci ...
sekbaomei 发表于 17-1-2012 04:42 PM

祝你龙年huat 啊!!!

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