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发表于 5-2-2019 12:00 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Great Blessings Discourse
( 大 吉 祥 经 )

Thus have I heard : one time
( 如 是 我 闻 : 一 时 )

the Exalted One was dwelling near Savatthi
(世尊 在 舍 卫 城 附 近 安 住)

the monastery of Anathapindika in Jeta's Grove
(在 祗 树 给 孤 独 园)

then a certain deity
(那 时 有 一 些 天 神)

in the extreme of the inght of great beauty
(在 深 夜 里 非 常 貌 美)

almost the entire the Jeta Grove having illuminated
(几 乎 整 个 祗 园 精 舍 被 其 光 照 亮 起 来)

to the Exalted One drew near
(向 着 世尊 趋 近)

Having approached to the Exalted One saluted
(亲 近 世尊 后 行 礼)

stood at one side
(站 在 一 边)

standing thus,the deity addressed
(如 此 站 着,天神)

to the Exalted One in verse :
(对 着 世尊 以 偈 子 问 到 : )

Many deities and humans
(许 多 天神 和 人类)

pondered on blessings
(思 索 吉 祥)

wishing for well-being / safety
(祈 求 幸 福)

tell me the Highest Blessing
(请 告 诉 我 吉 祥 之 最)

Not to associate with the fools
(远 离 愚 痴 人)

to associate with the wise
(亲 近 智 慧 者)

and honour those who are worthy of honour
(供 养 于 应 供)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

Living in a befitting locality in the past
(择 邻 安 适 住)

to have done merits
(往 昔 修 福 行)

and to set oneself in the right course
(合 理 于 生 活)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

vast-learning,perfect handicraft
(搏 闻 善 工 巧)

being well-trained and disciplined
(勤 学 于 律 仪)

and pleasant speech
(言 语 宜 温 和)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

The support of father and mother
(供 养 于 父 母)

the cherishing of wife and children
(养 抚 于 妻 儿)

and peaceful occupations
(处 事 不 紊 乱)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

Liberality,Righteous conduct
(佈 施 了 及 净 行)

the helping of relatives
(济 助 诸 亲 友)

and blameless actions
(不 作 诸 恶 事)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

To cease and abstain from evil
(戒 除 诸 恶 业)

forbearance with respect to intoxicants
(不 饮 诸 酒 类)

and steadfastness in virtue
(遵 行 于 正 法)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

(恭 敬 与 谦 逊)

(知 足 及 感 恩)

and opportune hearing of the Dhamma
(适 时 而 闻 法)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

(忍 辱 易 受 教)

sight of the Samanas (ascetics)
(亲 见 诸 沙 门)

and religious discussions at due season
(适 时 而 谈 法)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

Self-control,Holy Life
(自 制,圣 洁 行)

perception of the Noble Truths
(彻 见 四 圣 谛)

and the realization of Nibbana
(促 使 证 涅 盘)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

He whose mind does not flutter
(心 触 世 间 法)

By contact with worldly contingencies
(不 动 不 执 染)

Sorrowless,Stainless and Secure
(离 悲 心 安 宁)

this is the Highest Blessing
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

To them,fulfilling matters such as these
(若 能 如 是 作)

everywhere invincible
(事 事 得 无 碍)

in every way moving happily
(随 外 得 安 乐)

these are the Highest Blessings
(是 至 上 吉 祥)

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !
善哉 !  善哉 !  善哉 !

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